
The voices and accounts of the prisoners and their families, who are the main characters in this project, create an outlook that illuminates, humanises and renders great significance to the historic documents contained in this website

Many, not a mere handful, were the women who passed through Les Corts prison at one time or another and went to great lengths to pass on their experiences as inmates there.

This section, in which they feature so prominently, is dedicated to their memory. 

Joaquina Dorado

A militant of the National Confederation of Workers (CNT) and the Iberian Federation of Libertarian Youth (FIJL), she actively participated in the process of collectivisation of the wood sector during the civil war in Barcelona.


Tomasa Cuevas, 2004. Fotografia de Fernando Cárdenas

Born in Brihuega (Guadalajara), she was already a member of the Juventud Comunista (Communist Youth) and of the Partido Comunista de España (PCE) (